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    How Long will a Cookie Jar Keep your Cookies Fresh?

    How Long will a Cookie Jar Keep your Cookies Fresh?

    Back in early December, Kara was working on A+ content for our Amazon shop.  She was in the throes of getting info together for our new Vintage Cookie Jar, and she asked me a question: 

    "How many containers of Oreo cookies do you think fit in that thing?"

    I wasn't sure the answer.  We did a photoshoot back in August where we measured the capacity of our first cookie jar in this same method, and it fit 3 packs of standard Oreos, without any issue.  I suspected the Vintage Cookie Jar was a bit larger, but there was only one way to know for certain. I offered to make a quick trip to our nearby CVS store to grab a few packages so we could test. 

    3 family-sized packs of Oreos later, we determined that the capacity is just a bit larger on the Vintage Cookie Jar as compared to its predecessor. 

    What we didn't yet know was how long those cookies would keep their freshness inside that cookie jar.  While the seal on the container is a strong one, air does enter the container each time we open it.  And we do that every day. 

    So here we are, a little over a month later.  I am happy to report that the cookie jar is still well-over half full (there are only 3 of us in the office) AND that they are all still as crunchy and fresh as the day we put them in the jar. 


    So, if you are looking for a great-looking cookie jar that will keep your cookies as fresh as the day you make or buy them, please consider this one.  We are pretty proud of it. 




    Your NY Resolution: How to Make it Stick

    Your NY Resolution: How to Make it Stick

    It's a new year.  A new DECADE, even.  2020 could be the year that you finally make the big move, start the business, lose the weight or get your nutrition on track.  

    It's tough, though, if you are all the way off the wagon by January 15.  

    Outshine to the rescue.  Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and crush those goals in the first year of the (new) Roaring '20's. 

    1. Start Whenever it Feels Right

    I realize this sounds.... counterintuitive since this is a New Year's post. 

    Still, you shouldn't feel tied to the first day of a new year on the calendar as a hard start date.

    Allow yourself the time to properly prepare. Set a smart, actionable goal that can be measured, and put the measures in place to track to the goal. That includes considering any possible pitfalls- like lack of motivation or temptations.  If your plan is to work out each day after work, for example, plan ahead for co-worker requests for happy hour and dinner. Maybe you can fit in a quick work out and meet them after, instead of skipping it altogether.  The more prepared you are to address these possible temptations, the better you are setting yourself up to succeed


    2. Maintain that Motivation

    Let's face it, feelings of fatigue and anxiety can zap motivation, and stop you in your tracks.  To combat that, try listing your reasons for adhering to your resolution while still feeling inspired, to be read on days when motivation is lacking.  In this way, you'll be using your logic to help you overcome the emotional reasons that are pulling you away. And if that doesn't work, you can barter with yourself and take in that episode of "Riverdale"- but only if you are on the treadmill. 

    3. Make it a Habit

    Do your best to make the resolution automatic.  For example, if your goal is to eat a healthier diet, plan out your meals in advance, and pre-pack & portion them so you can easily grab & run to the office. Do your best to relieve as many of the pain points as you can- make it as easy as possible to stick to your goal.  After a few weeks, it will feel like you've always done it that way. 

    4. Get Back Up When You Fall Down

    None of us is perfect.  It is very likely that you will slip up.  It's how you return from the slip up that matters.  Remember, progress is sometimes two steps forward and one step back.  Instead of being hard on yourself, grant yourself a little grace & come back stronger.  

    So, friends, how will you work to achieve all those goals in the new decade ahead? 

    Free: January Calendar & Wallpaper Downloads Now Available

    Free: January Calendar & Wallpaper Downloads Now Available

    Merry Christmas! 

    The start of a new month (and a new year, in this case)  means it is time for a new wallpaper or calendar. We’ve got you covered! Choose your favorite format below & download it. Calendars in laptop or mobile versions, with both Sunday & Monday start. And of course, there is just the pretty wallpaper if you don’t need the calendar backdrop. Click on the version (or versions) you like below to download!  

    Go here to grab your desktop or laptop versions. 

    Go here to grab your mobile versions. 

    A Last-Minute Plan for your Holiday Meal: Now Even Easier!

    A Last-Minute Plan for your Holiday Meal: Now Even Easier!

    Did you read our 12/16 blog post and decide to give Kim's recipes a try at your own family meal? 

    We've made it even easier!

    Go here to grab your own printable recipes- on our super cute farmhouse recipe cards.  Fold in half, and put in your recipe box and you are all set!  


    Merry Merry and Happy Happy from the women of Outshine! 


    A Last-Minute Plan for your Holiday Meal

    A Last-Minute Plan for your Holiday Meal

    Christmas is 9 days away. 

    Either you are already prepared, or you are sprinting to the finish.  In case you are the latter, and planning that meal has been last-on-your list, we thought we'd help with a delicious plan.  

    From appetizer to cookies, we've got you covered! Big thanks to our friend Kim Colwick, on Instagram as @6heartsandahome, for all of her great family recipes! 

    Appetizer 1: Mini Italian Skewers-  makes approx. 50 


    1 (8-9 ounce) package of refrigerated cheese tortellini

    Approximately 50 salami slices (usually 2 small packages)

    About 50 cubes of sharp white cheddar (I just buy a block and cut it into 1/4 inch thick pieces)

    1 bottle of your favorite Italian salad dressing

    1 (6 ounce) can or jar of medium olives (green, black, pimiento-stuffed, kalamata, or a combination– your choice!)



    Cook the tortellini according to the package directions (about 4 minutes). You do not want to overcook them! (They will fall apart if too soft).

    After cooking, drain the water and let the tortellini cool on the counter for about 10 minutes before placing them in a large ziplock bag or bowl. Dump the entire bottle of Italian dressing in with the tortellini, and let them marinate for at least 2 hours (or overnight) in the refrigerator.

    On each toothpick, thread the marinated tortellini, salami, cheese slices, and olives however you would like.

    Pro tip: I place the olives on the end so that picky eaters can pull them off.

    Appetizer 2: Sugar Glazed Pecans


    4 eggs, whites only

    ½ cup ginger ale

    2 tsp. salt

    2 tsp. cinnamon

    1 tsp. ground ginger

    2 cups sugar

    8 cups pecan halves



    Preheat oven to 250. Spray 2 baking pans with cooking spray.

    Separate eggs and whisk egg whites. Add ½ cup of ginger ale, salt, cinnamon, ground ginger, sugar and salt. Fold together until pecans are covered. Spread over pans.

    Bake at 250 for 1-1 ½ hours – stirring occasionally. Store in an airtight container.


    Side Dish 1: Creamy & Rich Mashed Potatoes


    5 pounds Russet potatoes washed and peeled, cut in chunks (about 7 large potatoes)

    4 ounces cream cheese softened

    1/2 cup salted butter melted

    1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

    1 1/2 teaspoons salt


    Place the cut potatoes in a large pot and fill the pot with water, leaving about 2 inches at the top of the pan. Place the pan on the stovetop on medium-high heat. Allow the water to come to a boil, then turn the water down to medium heat. Boil the potatoes for 10-15 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft.

    Drain the water from the potatoes.


    Mix the potatoes with a mixer. Add the cream cheese, butter, whipping cream and salt. Mix all ingredients together but do not overmix, as they will not be as fluffy.

    Serve warm. 

    Side Dish 2: Southern-Style Creamed Corn


    5 ears corn on the cob

    1 tablespoon bacon grease or butter

    1 tablespoon sugar

    1 tablespoon cornmeal

    3/4 cup heavy cream

    1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese

    salt and pepper to taste



    Remove the husks and silks from the corn and rinse the ears of corn.

    Cut the kernels from the cob into a large bowl. Flip your knife over and run the dull side of the knife down the cob to get all of the juice out of the cob.

    In a large skillet, heat the bacon grease or butter until melted and hot. Dump in the corn and cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    Sprinkle the sugar and cornmeal over the corn and give it a stir.

    Pour in the heavy cream and Parmesan cheese. Stir until combined.

    Allow to cook for 5 more minutes or until heated through. The juices should thicken up quite a bit.

    Add salt and pepper, to taste.

    Side Dish 3: Orange Fluff Salad 


    1 large package Cook and Serve vanilla pudding (do not use instant pudding)

    1 large package orange jell-o

    3 cups water

    1 (16 ounce) Cool Whip

    5 ounces mini marshmallows

    22 ounces mandarin oranges (drain them first)

    3 bananas (slice them and add them right before serving so they don’t turn brown in the fridge)



    Mix together pudding, Jell-O, and water over medium heat until it boils. Remove from heat and pour into a large mixing bowl. Refrigerate until the mixture has thickened (about 4-5 hours).

    Beat until creamy.

    Fold in Cool Whip, marshmallows, and fruit. Chill about an hour before serving.

    Main Course: Baked Pork Tenderloin


    1 or 2 1/2 pound pork tenderloins (see note)
    1 tablespoon oil
    2-3 tablespoons fresh lemon, lime, or orange juice (or 1 tablespoon of each)
    2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
    1 teaspoons garlic powder
    1 teaspoon cumin
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon chili powder
    1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika (optional but highly recommended)
    1/4 teaspoon black pepper




    Preheat oven to 400 degrees and lightly grease a large baking/casserole dish. Pierce tenderloins all over with a fork. Rub oil onto all sides of the meat.

    Whisk together Italian seasoning, garlic powder, cumin, salt, chili powder, smoked paprika (if using) and black pepper. Sprinkle mixture over tenderloin(s), patting it onto the surface of the meat on all sides. Place in a prepared baking dish and drizzle lemon/lime juice over the top.

    Bake for 25-35 minutes until outside is browned and crispy and centers are cooked through to desired doneness (you can take them out on the early side if you like the centers a little pink).
    Spoon juices from the dish over the meat.

    Allow to rest on a cutting board or in the baking dish for 5-10 minutes.

    Slice into 1-inch pieces. Spoon any remaining juices from the pan over the slices.

    Dessert: Peter Pan Kiss Cookies

    Note: These can and should be made ahead of time. 


    1 cup peanut butter

    1 stick of butter (softened)

    1 cup brown sugar

    2 eggs

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    1 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp cinnamon

    1 bag of Hershey Kisses, unwrapped

    Powdered Sugar for dusting



    Cream peanut butter, butter, and brown sugar together. Add eggs to mixture, then add flour, baking soda, and cinnamon. Blend well. Chill dough for 30-40 minutes.

    Wrap dough batter around a kiss and roll into a small ball. Place on cookie sheet and bake on 350 for 12-14 minutes. Remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


    And there you have it!  A full plan for your Christmas dinner that is sure to please all at your table! 


    From Idea to In Your Home- How Our Products Get to You (part 2)

    From Idea to In Your Home- How Our Products Get to You (part 2)

    We Have a Product – Now What?

    We’ve visited tradeshows, or a sourcing agent found us a product. We’ve requested samples and have a product that we want to pursue getting to the market. What happens next?

    Testing and Modifying

    This is where we get to pretend to be a scientist and put on our lab coats.

    Well, not really, but you get the point.

    We evaluate, measure and use the product samples we receive. We test them to see how they hold up. We may even have a few other people test them out for us and see what they think. During this process, it is pretty likely that we will find at least one or two design flaws that need to be fixed. While this doesn’t always happen, very rarely is a product perfect on the first try.

    In some situations, when a design has flaws, the designer will give up on the product or sell a product that isn’t quite up to par. But at Outshine, we are determined to make our products exactly the way we would want them in our homes, so we go to work to make the best product possible. Failure is an essential part of all product designs and it is what helps us make our products great.

    If we’re lucky, the design flaws we discovered are minor and easy to fix. It could be designing something to be a bit more airtight, a heavier weight paper for a piece of stationery, a size adjustment or a tweak in the color of the paint. As a designer, you can’t be discouraged. Henry Ford once said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”

    Let the Negotiations Begin

    There is one thing that is almost always true about sourcing – you get what you pay for.

    You’ve found the right manufacturer and worked out all potential issues with your product, but now you have to negotiate several things with your manufacturer. When negotiations are done with a manufacturer, you are working out not only the price of the item, but the quality, terms of payment, delivery, and the relationship you will have with the manufacturer.

    Each supplier will have a price that they cannot go below and if you force them below this price, you are likely to pay in other areas. They may cut corners and use cheaper materials, or opt for shoddy packaging. It is usually worthwhile to pay a bit more for your product, especially if it is the first production run. It is also worthwhile to work not only to specify the product qualities needed, but also those for the packaging.  Your product is worth nothing to you if it doesn't arrive in the US in a saleable condition, or cannot be shipped without being damaged. 

    Another issue that often deters some people when negotiating with suppliers is minimum order quantities. It isn’t uncommon for a manufacturer to require a person to commit to purchasing hundreds or thousands of units. This can be difficult if you are a young company with limited funds. The good news is that MOQ’s are almost always negotiable.

    Keep in mind the reasons why manufacturers request a minimum. There may be a lot of upfront work, or a specific mold needed to create the item. Once you understand why they are requesting a certain quantity, it can make it easier to negotiate with them.  Compromises may include giving them a deposit towards a larger order, but producing small amounts at a time, or paying more per unit.

    Planning for Distribution

    After discovering and fixing all the design flaws, now it is time to get down to business. We make a plan to get our product in front of people by marketing it. If a product has a fairly niche market, a great website may be a perfect marketing plan. However, if you’ve tweaked an already popular product and believe that you’ve made yours better, it may be time to meet with some big brand stores to see if they would consider adding your product to the lineup. This part of the process depends greatly on what your product is.

    Whatever direction is taken, it is important to have a clear vision for what your brand is and what you want to portray with your brand. At Outshine our products are designed to be splendidly original – just like you. We bring style and originality to every day goods for modern women. We know if we would love it in our homes, you probably would too, and we wanted that to come through in every one of our products. 

    Monitoring Quality

    Just as in any business, when selling products on Amazon or any other eCommerce site, quality control is important. Quality control is vital throughout the entire manufacturing process so that problems can be found early and not after the entire production process has been completed.

    To ensure quality, you need to be very specific about the materials to be used, the process in which the item will be produced, the final specifications of the product, and any tolerance for a variance from these things. Be sure that all of the details are put into writing. You may also want to consider hiring a third-party inspection agency.

    While this is an extra expense, it is often an expense that is a worthwhile investment. It isn’t uncommon for manufacturers to not follow all of the specifications of an agreement, and that’s where an inspection comes in to play. You can hire a domestic inspector, but it is often cheaper and more helpful to hire an inspector located in the same country as your manufacturer. Tell your manufacturer that you will be hiring an inspector from the very beginning so they know your intentions.

    There are different types of inspections offered by most third-party companies. A full inspection where every single product is reviewed, or a random/spot inspection where roughly ten percent of your inventory is inspected. They will look for verification of quality, conformity to your requirements, workmanship, and function.

    So what happens if mistakes are found? You can accept the risk of your shipment if a few pieces were found damaged, or you can pay for a full inspection and ask the manufacturer to correct or remake the product.

    Although this is by far not the best option, if you don’t want to spend the money for a third-party inspection, you can request that a post-production sample be sent to you before all of your order is shipped out. You can also request that photos and/or videos of your shipment and the manufacturing process be sent to you.

    What’s Next?

    Now the product is designed, manufactured, and been inspected. What happens next? The inspection of the product itself is just part of the inspection process. The next big step is preparing the shipment to get to the United States and into the hands of Amazon or a warehouse. So, stay tuned for our next blog to learn all about the last steps before a product lands in your home!



    Free: December Calendar & Wallpaper Downloads Now Available

    Free: December Calendar & Wallpaper Downloads Now Available

    The start of a new month means it is time for a new wallpaper or calendar. We’ve got you covered! Choose your favorite format below & download it. Calendars in laptop or mobile versions, with both Sunday & Monday start. And of course, there is just the pretty wallpaper if you don’t need the calendar backdrop. Click on the version (or versions) you like below to download!  Sunday Start Blue Silver Star Calendar Laptop

    Click here to go to the Blue & Silver Downloads for Desk or Laptop.  Available in Sunday or Monday start, or just as wallpaper without the calendar. 

    Click here to go to the same for mobile. 

    Click here for the desk or laptop version in red and green.  

    Click here for the same in the mobile version!