You open your pantry door. You are looking for some quick snacks to pull out for the hoard of kids that have just invaded your home.
Sound familiar?
The transition from summer’s easy, schedule-free days to the fall and back to school can be tricky. Those of you with kids know that sometimes having a friend over after school can turn into having the entire neighborhood in your kitchen. All those kids are hungry. And they are looking at you. What are you to do?
Outshine to the rescue! Our kitchen organization collection features a number of items to help you keep track of those snacks.

The sweet & salty canister set makes a wonderful pantry or counter organization duo that can also serve as serving dishes! Keep those canisters full of healthy (or not-so-healthy) snacks, then when your home is invaded by the hungry after-school mob, you will be prepared. Grab a cookie jar as well, and you’ll have space to keep 3 packages of Oreo cookies, or 20 monster cookies, in addition to the items you are keeping in your canisters.
We are also launching a treat container for your pets, & utensil canisters for your well-loved spatulas & spoons, in addition to the bread bins that are already in our shop.
We go live on 9/19!