So it’s almost Halloween and you still haven’t figured out what costume you are going to make for your kids.?
Been there, done that.
Wrote the blog.
We’ve pulled together a shortlist of our favorite DIY costumes. Girl or boy, any age. We are positive something on this list will strike a chord with your littles this Halloween. We went to extra lengths to make sure that these fail free costumes are for a mom of any DIY skill level because we know you are too busy to spend hours making a costume.
With things you might be able to find around the house and some simple instructions, any of these costumes will impress the whole neighborhood and save your sanity.
Little rain cloud.
Do you have one of those little ones that will use any excuse to wear their rain boots?
If so, this little rain cloud costume is the perfect solution for this Halloween. Using what you have around your house you can make raindrops from paper, painted cardboard, or felt, then cover a hat in fluff. Attach your perfectly unique raindrops with string and then your little trick-or-treater can dance in the rain and collect candy simultaneously.
Make this costume even easier by forgoing the spray paint on the cloud, and using paper or cardboard, or whatever material you have around the house to make the raindrops. Get your kiddos involved and let them paint or color the raindrops for a fun craft night.
Head over to the Make It Love It blog for more details and a full tutorial on this costume.
(photo credit: STITCHED by Crystal for Make It Love It)
We know who is stealing all the candy.
You don’t have to have many crafting skills for this one. Put this costume together by “robbing” some things from around the house and your little bandit will be good to go.
All you need is a black beanie, a black mask, a bag, a striped shirt, and black pants. The creators of this costume made their own bag but we say an old pillowcase with a dollar sign painted on will do the trick. Lastly, make your own mask from felt and elastic or grab a mask from Target - you’ll inevitably be there buying Halloween candy at the last minute, anyway. Now send your thief out into the night and make sure they come back with the good candy!
Check out the Make It Love It blog for more on this fail free costume.
(photo credit: STITCHED by Crystal for Make It Love It)
Lego bricks to save the day.
Remember the countless times you cried out after stepping on a stray lego?
At least your little one dressed up as a lego will be too big to step on.
This clever and easy lego costume is a genius creation for a DIY mom with skills of any level. Grab the biggest Amazon box you have on hand and some of those applesauce cups then take your pick of Lego color. Start by cutting holes in your box so your trick-or-treater can fit their head and arms through and then use hot glue to attach the cups to the box, mimicking the look of a lego brick. Lastly, spray paint your new costume and give it time to dry. This costume is great for one or multiple kiddos, just grab more cardboard and more applesauce cups and have fun with your Lego block sizes and colors.
For more information on DIY’ing this costume head over to the Wine & Glue blog for the full tutorial.
(photo credit: Wine & Glue)
The fruit of your labor
When did fruits become so trendy?
No clue. What we do know they are in and they are a fail free Halloween costume. Whether your little wants to be a pineapple or a strawberry, grab an oversized shirt, paint on the seeds, add a topper and “bam!” you just kicked Halloween up a notch.
For a pineapple costume you’ll need a large yellow t-shirt, then paint on your black details to get the pineapple look. To add your topper grab a headband, some hot glue, a toilet paper roll, and plenty of green construction paper. Cut out leaf shaped pieces and attach them to your toilet paper roll. Glue the top to the headband and bend the paper to get the pineapple crown look.
If a strawberry is your desire you will start with a red shirt and paint on white seeds. When it comes to the topper, a headband and green paper will do. Cut out bigger leaves and twist some paper for the stem. Glue it all together and attach it to your headband. Fruit costume DIY and done.
For a more detailed tutorial on this costume head over to the Perfection Pending blog.
(photo credit: Perfection Pending)

Dress up as candy to get candy.
Now this one might be our favorite.
Whether you are short on time or on a tight budget, an M&M costume is your easy solution.
Grab an oversized t-shirt, slap an “M” on the front, wear a tutu or don’t.
Either way you can mark “make Halloween costume” off your checklist. If you are feeling fancy you can get some screen printing paper for your “M,” or you can use paint, or print an “M” off, cut it out, and tape it to the shirt for a temporary costume. Oh, and don’t forget, if you need a costume for the whole family, this is perfect, just make multiples in different colors. Your family can be a whole bag of M&M’s.
(photo credit: House of Hepworths)